Free Oracy Resources

We’ve published free oracy resources every week since 2009. Join over 17,000 teachers worldwide who receive them every single week.

You will get a fairly quick succession of resources to help get you started, then from next week, you'll receive two per-week:

  • One freshly-baked - topical resources and curriculum ideas to use that week

  • One specially selected resource from our 'back-catalogue' - we started sending these broadcasts 6 years ago, so why should recent subscribers miss out on what's already been sent?

We’re really excited to say that if you sign-up now, you get a free extract from our latest book “Help Me Find My Voice: A Practical Guide to Oracy for Schools". If you already have it, there’s stacks more too!

Please be careful to enter your email address correctly, especially if it's a long school one!

“These resources are absolutely superb. I've been trying/failing to use my imagination to get our girls more interested in this kind of thing. After using various books, an outside speaker and my own imagination I've made a tiny bit of progress, but your exercises captured the girls' imagination much more quickly.”
Mary, Teacher

“Suddenly remembered that I have an inbox full of your emails and I have found so many good resources for kick starting discussions and debate. I am planning this lessons for year 7 form tutors (mainly PE, Maths and Economics teachers) so it has been really useful to have interesting resources to build on.”
Lucy Strike, William Ellis School

“I wish to say a most heartfelt thank you to you as I used some of your exercises as part of a mini project and it has had tremendous feedback both from staff at my school and from tutors at university. I really appreciated you taking time out from your busy schedule to help me.

Thank you also for the wonderful resources that you send out, (the doughnut and it's hole being my current particular favourite - I have even had teachers reading philosophy papers about the concept of holes as a result of this lesson!)”
Andrew Lawson, Teacher

Sticky Questions

Our year-round, whole school programme. Children take home a juicy philosophical puzzler stuck to their jumper, chat at home and share back at school.

Debate Planet

Sign up for our flagship debating programme that makes debating for everyone - not just an exclusive club for mini-Boris Johnsons.  

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We’re known for our compact books packed with practical ideas for the classroom. Find out which ones might help you most.